Are you ready to take the Paleo Plunge?

Are you hearing a lot of chatter out there about the Paleo Lifestyle but not sure what it is? Keen to try it out but you’re freaked out with the obsessive details like trying to source liquorice powder & kelp noodles? Scared that you won’t be able to go out for dinner anymore?? Or that you’ll accidently leave your hunting spear at Aldi’s???

It’s time to breath. . . .here is the lowdown on Paleo. . . .

So, for starters what the hell is it? Paleo is short for Paleolithic, a caveman and woman diet. You might be more familiar with the term ‘Hunters and Gatherers’, our ancestors who hunted animals for meat and gathered vegetables, nuts, seeds & seasonal fruit. No grains are allowed (that’s right not even brown rice!), nor legumes & dairy. There’s a general avoidance of modern day processed foods particularly those laced with preservatives and artificial colourings.

What’s the benefits? At its heart, a paleo diet is a good all round healthy eating plan and similar to what I put into meal planners for my clients with weight loss, training and sports goals and for general wellbeing.

The best bits? Apart from loads of fresh vegetables, all colours of the rainbow, you can eat tasty fats (yes including that yummy bit attached to your steak and bacon!), fermented foods, spices and herbs. Paleo recipes also tick many gluten and dairy free boxes for those with allergies or intolerances.


Best Egg Dishes Your Family Will Love

Best Egg Dishes Your Family Will Love

Australians consume upwards of 15 million eggs every day. That equates to around 230 of this versatile food type for each Australian. Given that eggs feature in various recipes, it makes sense that they are something you will discover in most Australian homes.

Whether you’re trying to find a delicious snack to pair with wine or a hearty meal to feed your family, here are some of the best egg dishes that are worth trying after your next supermarket visit.


If you’re not feeling very inspired, or you lack time, then there’s nothing wrong with turning omelettes into a family meal. They are versatile, and you can create them with various ingredients to suit everyone’s preferences.

Get started by making sure you have enough eggs for everyone’s omelette. Most people have at least two, but you can create larger, thicker omelettes by doubling your recipe.

You can then start chopping ingredients to go within the omelette when you start cooking it. Some popular options include ham, cheese, onion, tomato, and mushroom. Omelettes are quick, easy, nutritious, and delicious.

Eggs Benedict

If you fancy a delicious breakfast treat, then eggs benedict surely meet the mark. This dish is a classic and is easy enough to prepare. Create a hollandaise sauce, buy muffins, and consider adding spinach, salmon, and even avocado.


Group Fitness

Why Joining a Group Fitness Class Could Spell a New You

While there are many immediate benefits of joining group fitness sessions, did you know the long-term benefits are even better? While, of course, you are going to feel more motivated and social, it can also work wonders for your confidence, weight loss success, stress levels, and happiness. Here’s why joining a group fitness class could spell a new you.

Become More Confident

When was the last time you threw yourself into an uncomfortable situation? Most of us tend to stick with what we know, and we dare not step outside that comfort zone into the unknown. However, if you join a group fitness class such as BodyPump or CX Worx, for example, you will find yourself becoming more confident as the days and weeks go by.

It can seem terrifying walking into a room full of strangers, but once you realise how lovely everyone is, you will have no problems about doing it in the future.

Lose More Weight

Many scientific studies prove that exercising in a group fitness class, or with others, can be beneficial to your success. In the Journal of Social Sciences, it was even found that we mimic the physical activity of others, helping to push ourselves further than ever before. And, in an Obesity journal study, overweight people lose more weight if they spend time with fitter friends or acquaintances. (more…)

Work Up a Sweat

5 Ways to Work Up a Sweat

If you don’t sweat during a workout, can you really tell yourself you’re pushing hard enough? While sweat is the body’s way of regulating your temperature, it also releases toxins and enables your body to exert itself to benefit from muscular strength, better blood circulation, and better lung function. What’s more, if you choose a high-intensity exercise session over a moderate one, your body will look and feel better for it. Here are five ways you can work up a sweat for the betterment of your body.

1. High-Intensity Interval Training

If you’re looking for maximum sweat output in the shortest possible timeframe, it’s time to add high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, to your workout. High-intensity interval training is when your workout is fast-paced and intense for a short period of time, such as between one and three minutes, before taking a quick breather and getting back into it again. Typically, you carry out different cardio and strength training. Within just a few minutes, sweat will be pouring off you.

2. Spinning

Spin classes are not only a fun, social gym class, but they are designed to make you sweat in the process. Using a mixture of body heat, resistance, and springs, you have to spin on a spin bike for as long as possible at a fast rate. Spinning is a popular form of exercise due to its aerobic benefits and the ability it has to heighten your heart rate. It’s also a favorite for those who require a low-impact workout with minimal pressure on joints.


5 Reasons NOT to Eat Margarine

5 Reasons NOT to Eat Margarine

Confused at the supermarket deciding on margarine or butter? Should we choose margarine for it’s ‘cholesterol reducing’ abilities? Do we avoid the high saturated fat of butter? Or is butter better?? Don’t fret – here is the low down.

Margarine was created in the 1800s in France when a cheaper alternative to butter was requested by Napoleon III. It is a vegetable oil based spread that should contain approx. 80% oil – with a ‘butter’ flavour. Since the 1960’s when the ‘reduce your saturated fat’ myth was created, margarines become popular as they did not contain saturated fats from animals which were blamed for high cholesterol levels.

1. Margarines contain trans fats

Through the processing of margarine trans fats are created. Trans fats are artificial fatty acids created in an industrial process when hydrogen is added to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid. Studies have shown that trans fats raise your LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol levels whilst lowering your HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol levels. Eating trans fats increases your risk of developing heart disease & stroke & are associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Despite many manufacturers claiming their margarine no longer contains trans fats, if the label says partially hydrogenated oils, it will still contain 0.5-1% of trans fat, which if eaten over a lifetime is still detrimental to your health.


How Great Copywriting Can Boost Your Fitness Business's Digital Marketing

How Great Copywriting Can Boost Your Fitness Business’s Digital Marketing

There are many business owners, including those who own a fitness business, who have started digital marketing campaigns but who feel they are not getting the results they were hoping for. One of the reasons suggested for this by the digital marketing specialists at is that the written content, or ‘copy’ as it is more accurately called, may not be converted in the way that it should.

Part of this goes to the principle that every page on your website should convert visitors by encouraging them to take some kind of action. These ‘calls to action’ can include making a telephone call to the business, entering their email, filling out a survey, or completing a form on the contact page so that someone can call them back. The ultimate call to action is ‘Buy’, where the visitor actually makes a purchase and enters their credit card details.

Not every website has a purchase as the main call to action, given that not every type of business is suited to that. For example, professionals such as lawyers, accountants, dentists, and, in this case, fitness experts who all consult with their clients, are unlikely to have a ‘Buy Now’ button on their website, given that each client’s needs will be different.

Nevertheless, their websites need to have some means of converting a visitor so they get closer to becoming a paying client or customer, and the means by which that is achieved is what is written on each page of the website. If the website has been professionally built, the text is likely to have been written by one or more copywriters, who have the writing skills to create copy that converts.


Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening May Be Right for You, And Here’s Why

It can be strange for many people to think that they can visit your dentist when their teeth feel fine. Surprisingly, around two million Australians fail to visit their dentist every year. However, you don’t have to wait until you’re suffering from a niggle, ache, or pain before reaching for the phone. You can make an appointment with your dentist when you want to experience a boost in confidence through cosmetic procedures, too.

One of the most popular cosmetic services that dentists in Australia offer is teeth whitening. Both take-home trays and in-chair whitening are popular services that can boost an everyday Australian’s self-esteem. But how do you know if teeth whitening is right for you? Read on to find out.

It’s More Effective Than Over-the-Counter Methods

When your yellow teeth are starting to affect your confidence, you may turn to products in everyday life that offer whitening benefits. Toothpaste, chewing gum, over-the-counter whitening kits, they all contain ingredients that could provide slight colouring improvement.

But in-chair whitening treatment and take-home trays from your dentist are more effective. Dentists have access to whitening ingredients that standard shops don’t and can’t stock. What’s more, their take-home kits contain custom-made mouthguards to fit your unique teeth.


Workplace Discrimination

Suffering from Workplace Discrimination?

There are numerous types of discrimination that can occur in the workplace, but it’s important to realise that it’s never okay. Discriminatory actions can lead to a wide range of mental illnesses and a lower quality of life, so it’s crucial to identify and address issues as soon as they pop up.

In saying that, your mental health and state of mind can suffer a lot in a short space of time if you’re being discriminated against. Because of this, it’s important to ensure you’re remaining healthy while things are being dealt with.

To help you out, we’ve put together the following list of the top five ways to boost your morale if you’re suffering from any form of workplace discrimination. As always, seek professional and/or legal advice if you feel like it could be beneficial.

  1. Identify and Accept Any Problems

In many discrimination cases, the problem lingers for some time before you can successfully dispel it. This might be because you don’t have enough proof of wrongdoing, your employer is slow to act or simply because these things do take time.

With this in mind, it’s important to identify the problem and accept that you’re not the cause. While it can be difficult to remain in positive spirits if you’re constantly being discriminated against, it’s still worth doing your best.


After Cataract Surgery

5 Tips for Ensuring Success After Cataract Surgery

If you’ve got blurred vision caused by cataracts, it could be time to consider looking into cataract surgery, offered at laser eye surgery perth. Basically, this involves removing the damaged lenses of your eyes and replacing them with artificial ones, and therefore improving your overall vision.

However, recovering from cataract surgery can take some time. It’s therefore important to think about the things you can do to speed up your recovery and reduce the risk of ongoing complications.

In the rest of this article you will find our top 5 tips for ensuring success after cataract surgery. They include:

1. Don’t Drive for At Least a Few Days

The first thing you will be told when you’re preparing for cataract surgery is to make sure that you’ve got someone to drive you home after the procedure. We’d recommend following this advice for at least a few days after you’ve had your cataracts removed. Otherwise, your cataracts might not have time to recover properly.

2. Never Rub Your Eyes!

Although cataract surgery can be uncomfortable, and you might experience irritation and itchiness in the days following, you should always avoid rubbing or scratching the area. Doing so will almost certainly affect the recovery of your eyes, and can lead to difficult complications.


Health Benefits of Botox

Health Benefits of Botox You May Not Have Known

Everyone knows that Botox and some other wrinkle relaxers can offer you that much-desired youthful glow. They relax your muscles, smooth out wrinkles, and even eradicate those confidence-eradicating crow’s feet. However, Botox – an FDA-approved treatment method – can also do much, much more. Read on to find out what else it has to offer.

Excessive Sweating

Hyperhidrosis is an all-too-common condition that can have a detrimental impact on your life. The condition causes you to sweat excessively from various parts of your body. Doctors found Botox could help by accident. They used Botox to treat patients with facial spasms but noticed they were not sweating as much. Research began, and Botox as a treatment method for the condition gained approval in 2004.

Overactive Bladders

You might not think that a wrinkle relaxer such as Botox would affect your bladder, but it can. Some doctors even believe it’s one of the most effective treatment methods for an overactive bladder. In one study, Botox reduced bladder leaks down to three a day from five in 70 percent of study participants. However, it can be too helpful, resulting in the need for a catheter in some cases. (more…)